eating filumena lionheart
two cautionary tales for oboe and chamber ensemble
21 minutes
Commissioned by the University of Illinois New Music Ensemble
Premiere performance of eating filumena lionheart in Urbana, Illinois.
eating filumena lionheart was written at the end of a very long creative drought, which began some time after finishing my last large-scale work, my opera Beckett.
One of the main seeds of this self-imposed creative block, was to find a aesthetic that balanced my conservatory upbringings with my American 'maverick' sensibilities; to create art that is at once rich with musical metaphor and allusion but also accesses fresh and truly current trends in the visual and other aural arts; to create art that is self-referential, post-stylistic and ironic that can be accessible to the listener without feeling that the music is a wry bastardization; to create art that has a luminous, attractive and readable surface but that also has a stable and rich compositional core; to actually create new music, not lumping together an array of extended techniques and passé effects and calling it "new music;" to create art that experiments and investigates but that also aspires to transcend and illuminate – art where the spirit works with the hand, not against it; to create music that is free from the elitist, inaccessible, self-absorbed and self righteous attitude of American "new music" composers and their parasites whose crabby, outdated, cliché-ridden, irrelevant and out-of-touch music and ideas touches no hearts and inspires no souls:
This is the cautionary tale of eating filumena lionheart.
TALE ONE: she wanted all the pink facing beautiful
TALE TWO: she is memories for lots of people
Oboe Solo.
Flute (doubles Piccolo), Oboe (doubles English Horn and Small Triangle), Clarinet (plays Bb, Eb & Bb Bass), Alto Saxophone (doubles Bari. Sax and Bell Tree) Bassoon (doubles Contrabassoon), Horn, Trumpet in C, Bass Trombone, Tuba (all brass players double on Suspended "Found Metals"), 2 Percussion [I: Glockenspiel, Vibraphone, Xylophone, Marimba, Almglocken, 6 Flower pots, Marching Bass Drum, Kick Drum, Whip, Guïro, Temple Blocks, Wind Machine, Large Wood Crate, Suspended Metal Trash Can; II: Glockenspiel, Crotales, Vibraphone, Tubular Chimes, Kick Drum, Marching Bass Drum, Large Bass Drum, Medium Woodblock, Ribbon Crasher, Suspended Metal Trash Can], Harp (doubles Sleigh Bells and Very Large Theatre Ratchet), 2 Pianos (Piano II doubles Celesta, Synthesizer, Toy Piano, and Very Large Theatre Ratchet), Soprano, 2 Violins, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass
17 March 2009
UIUC New Music Ensemble
Emma Coleman – Oboe
Vincent Calianno – Conductor
The Krannert Center — Urbana, Illinois
Performance parts are for Rental Only. For more information and rental, please contact Vincent Calianno below: