The Facts and Dreams of the World According to Michael Jackson

from $35.00

for orchestra
12 minutes • 63 pages

Study Score (A4) — $35
Large Score (12x18) — $60

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2 Flutes (II. doubles Picc.), 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets (I. plays Bb and Eb, II. plays Bb Bass), Bassoon, Contrabassoon, 4 Horns, 2 Trumpets in C, 3 Trombones (III. Bass), Tuba, Timpani, Percussion (3 Players): [Crotales, Glockenspiel, Vibraphone (with motor), Chimes, Xylophone, Marimba, Kick Drum, Marching Bass Drum, Bass Drum, Large Bass Drum, 2 Triangles (Medium and Very Small), Suspended Cymbal, Tamtam, Brake Drums (5 or more), Suspended Steel Plates (4 or more), 2 Woodblocks (Small and Large], Whip, Suspended “Bowls” (preferably glass, but can be aluminum. Three pitches roughly C,G,C)), Harp, Pianoforte (doubles Celesta and Optional Ondes Martenot), Strings

The Parts are available by RENTAL ONLY. Please use the form below to arrange for a rental or for more information.